Bullert Industrial

Plaza Elementary School

Year: 2023-2024 Address: 7322 Co Rd 24, Orland, CA 95963 Modernization of existing school, and in inc two, install electrical for new Gym.

Buenaventura Blvd Safety Project

This project involves the widening of Buenaventura Boulevard and includes the installation of curb, gutter and sidewalk; asphalt concrete; storm drain; and street lights.

South Weed Well

Develop a new municipal city well. To include drilling, pump, piping, electrical, instrumentation, SCADA and backup generator.

Yreka Wastewater Treatment

Consisting of a Headworks expansion and new screw-type screen, relocation of surface aerators to the aeration basins, new diffused air system in aerobic digesters, new centrifuge sludge dewatering facility, chlorine contact basin weir modifications, site piping, electrical and instrumentation.

Dunsmuir Wastewater Treatment

This project consists of the installation of a secondary clarifier, traveling bridge filter, pumps, blowers, mixers, electrical system, and instrumentation.

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